Grade 4 - Week 4 - Op Art

OP Art Weavings
with Ms. Kampson

Art Supplies:
2 pieces of different color construction paper
(you can use magazine pages or color computer paper if you do not have construction paper)
Pencil & Ruler
Glue Stick

Op Art: art that gives the illusion of movement by the use of line, pattern, and color.
Weaving: the process of crossing one group of threads (the weft) with a second group of threads (the warp) to make cloth or a decorative artwork.
Loom: a frame on which a weaving is made.
Warp: vertical threads that form the base of a weaving.
Weft: horizontal threads that are woven over the warp.

Popular Op Artists:
Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley, and M.C. Escher

Learn about Op Art by watching these videos:

Create your masterpiece by following the steps in my slideshow:

Store your artwork in an Art Folder for safe keeping until we meet again. If you’d like us to see your work, email a photo to your art teacher. You can also have an adult help you tag us on Instagram. @Ms.FavarasArtRoom @Ms.Kampson

We miss you all so much.

Be Creative & Have Fun – Ms. Kampson

Bonus: Complete this Op Art drawing exercise.

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